Monthly Archives: August 2016

Added exportBed()

I added today the `exportBed()` function as an convenience wrapper around `write.table()`.

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Function importPedMap() is deprecated

The function importPedMap() was flagged as deprecated in version 0.9. Please start using the function with the same name from the GenomicTools package.

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Added a VignetteBuilder

The vignette is written in Markdown, so Cran hasn’t created a link to the Vignette. This could be solved by added a VignetteBuilder to the DESCRIPTION file.

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New function added

Today I added a new function called exportFA(). It takes an FA-object from hoardeR and stores it as a regular fasta file.

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Major hoardeR update

Currently we are working on a major update for hoardeR so that it will be more user-friendly and easier to use. Further, we also set up this page to provide additional information and help.

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